Amarok 2.4 backported to Lucid?

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Thu Mar 3 23:23:52 CET 2011

You completely rock, Shadeslayer! Thanks so much for your swift and
skillful work. Our tester is very happy.

Next question - will phonon-backends besides xine be available to our
Lucid users? I understand this requires an up-to-date phonon, and vlc

Backports team, what say you?


On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 5:41 AM, Rohan Garg <rohangarg at> wrote:
> Hi
> So i have some more news on this, i have have package currently
> building here :
> Since i don't have a lucid machine, i could not test the package, thus
> some feedback would be appreciated before i move it to the Kubuntu
> Backports PPA
> Regards
> Rohan Garg
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Rohan Garg <rohangarg at> wrote:
>> I'll have look at this in a few minutes in case no one has looked at this.
>> On 2011 3 3 13:49, "Bart Cerneels" <bart.cerneels at> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 02:08, Valorie Zimmerman
>>> <valorie.zimmerman at> wrote:
>>>> Hi, we've had quite a few requests for the backport of Amarok 2.4 to
>>>> Lucid. Some people prefer to stay with LTS, and yet want fewer bugs in
>>>> Amarok. One of our users tried to create a package in his PPA, but he
>>>> was unsuccessful. What shall I tell our users?
>>>> Valorie

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