Fwd: Amarok : I can't live without it

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at kde.org
Sun Jul 10 20:27:47 CEST 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: alexandre hagen <hagen.discus at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 7:51 PM
Subject: Amarok : I can't live without it
To: kretschmann at kde.org


I'm french student and I write you to say thanks you for this
wonderful Software.
I use Amarok every time and I like all in Amarok.
I have some questions:
- I would like know if you had stop the development of Amarok on MAC OS X.
Amarok on Mac would be perfect thing. I don't like Itunes with its
proprietary codecs and for me Amarok is very better.
In fact I've a lot Flac and Ogg files types and we can't read it on
Itunes or only with Itunes plug-in.
- If you had stop the project on Mac OS X could you tell me why ? Did
you have pressure from Apple ? or It's just a financial problems ?
Maybe it's ideological you prefer develop to open OS.
In present time I use only Linux (Ubuntu et Debain), but in the future
I will use MAC and I wish could use Amarok like on linux.
I think many people are in the situation.

Again thanks

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer, Senior Software Engineer at Nokia
Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe
http://amarok.kde.org - http://fsfe.org - http://nokia.com

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