Bugzilla whines

Myriam Schweingruber schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Fri Feb 25 11:20:25 CET 2011

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 17:12, Lydia Pintscher <lydia at kde.org> wrote:
> Heya folks :)
> For my thesis I've been looking at ways to help us become more aware
> of important bugs that need our attention. I have found something that
> looks promising: Bugzilla's whine feature. You can tell Bugzilla to
> send emails with the result of a given query in specified intervals.
> So here is my proposal: We set up KDE's Bugzilla to email this list
> every week with a list of release blockers.
> I am willing to get this set up with sysadmin. If there are no
> objections in the next 4 days I will start.
> What do you think? Other proposals how we can use this?

Sounds like a good idea, since my whines are not frequent enough :)

The problem is more the amount of bugs we should keep an eye on, I
usually filter by frequency of reports, regressions and votes, but
that is easily a list of over 50 bugs, I don't think you will want to
trigger that many whines.
The priority of the bugs is always hard to define and it is often very
different if you compare the developer POV vs. the users POV.

Also we have quite a few reports about the Context View applets where
there is simply no maintainer, idem for the playlist reports, not to
mention the engines and Media Devices where a lot of things don't work
and apparently nobody has time (or energy) to fix things. Most of
these are very high on the users priority list unfortunately :(

If you want to give it a try, I suggest the regression list :) Beware,
there are not less than 14 reports, so 14 whines every x days will get
annoying very fast and I fear most people will simply ignore it.

Regards, Myriam
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