Hi: Regarding VSXu Applet

Daniel Dewald Daniel.Dewald at time-shift.de
Tue Feb 22 02:54:13 CET 2011

So my testing is done and I have some good news and some bad. Here are my 

Xine Backend: No Change no joy. Amarok will crash on stopping or changing the 
song if xine backend is used. However at least the audio data is being 
transfered. I didn't use the git but version 4.4.4.

VLC Backend: No Change semi joy. You wont get any audio data from it but at 
least its fail safe (doesn't crash Amarok). I used the current git version 

GStreamer Backend: Here comes the real boomer: It works ;o). You get the audio 
data from it and it wont crash Amarok (Yeeeee). I used version 4.4.4 (most 
likely not so current).

So what does that mean for your project? You can test your stuff without 
restarting Amarok for every test (trust me its worth a lot :-P). However since 
Amarok still crashes with the xine backend, I'm not sure how usable the audio 
data output really is. As long as the dev team is not branding the xine 
backend as incompatible with Amarok or the phonon-xine devs are not at least 
disabling the audio data output stuff (or better yet fix it) your code won't 
make it into Amarok (at least not until xine is fixed or abandoned as backend). 
So basically you still looking at the same issues I did (and still do). 
However if your project requires only a RUNNING version and not one that is 
put into trunk you don't have to worry anymore.

I also have a working FFT implementation for the audio data delivered by 
phonon. You most likely will need one.

Since you're creating your own OpenGL Applet code, you won't need mine ;o). 
Anyway if you have questions of any kind, dont hesitate to ask me (or anyone 
else). Also there is an #Amarok channel in freenode.net where you can get 
quick answers if you need them (I'm currently not there very often though.. to 
much work on my thesis).


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