Grooveshark service implementation.

Lydia Pintscher lydia at
Thu Apr 21 13:17:20 CEST 2011

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 07:09, Krzysztof Klinikowski <kkszysiu at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I don't know how other programmers writting about features that they're
> coding but here's my:
> On my spare time I'm working at new feature for Amarok that will add
> Grooveshark support into our favourite music player :)
> To be honest I have some code already written but there's still a lot to do.
> I've written library to support Grooveshark called QGrooveshark that will be
> build-in into service and for now support some basic features like
> authorisation, logging into Grooveshark and basic song searching. Now I'm
> implementing that stuff from Amarok side. Logging and authentication is
> already implemented, better or worse but working.
> Now I'm fighting with dragons of tree views for songs for example.
> I'm beginning with C++ and Qt so my code is propably really crappy but with
> your help and some reviews maybe it will be not so bad.
> Yesterday I talked with Mamarok about Amarok Developers Mailing List, she
> told me that I should write here about my idea to notify all Amarok
> developers and all interested people about it.
> Firstly I put my Amarok repository with my code at own repo at GitHub but
> Mamarok told me that I should move my repo into but as far as I
> know I need to be KDE developer to have read/write access into that.
> So I written and application for KDE developer but this will be my first
> attempt to write something for KDE and Eike Hein said that if I want to be
> KDE developer I need to have contributions for KDE or someone who is KDE
> developer already need to recommend me.
> But is that true that I need to be KDE developer to have read/write access
> for own branch?
> If not then please tell me with who I should talk to get own branch for
> Amarok in please :)

Hey :)

Their ToS seem to be very very restrictive. It seems they require ads
from them and mentioning "powered by grooveshark" on every page in the
program. That is far too restrictive to be included in Amarok I fear.
Do you know any details about that or have an exception?


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

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