MainWindow layouting

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Mon Sep 20 15:18:48 CEST 2010

Am Sunday 19 September 2010 schrieben Sie:
> Hello Thomas,
>  ...
> Do you still have a patch or ideas around for a replacement? :)

No, actually the patches went in (was that time an issue with store/reload teh 
layout on every resize, causing occasional pop-outs of the toolbars... and was 
pretty slow)

However, if one should re-create the layouting system from scratch, i'd likely 
try to set the toolbars as center widgets (since they're the persistent hooks) 
and allow nested docking of the other elements around them.

This would provide all current abilities, optionally* allow some more (like 
having the media sources and playlist "framing" the toolbar left and right and 
only the context view below it) and - since QMainWindow if centerwidget 
focussed and all hacks in the code are required to "hide" the central widget - 
be much more straight forward =)

(The toolbar position could still be "changed" from top to bottom by arranging 
the dock nest from bottom to top - visually there should be no major 

*I'm not 100% sure whether one could prevent all other abilities


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