Review Request: MusicBrainz Tagger "restyling"

Sergey Ivanov 123kash at
Wed Nov 3 10:39:21 CET 2010

2010/11/3 Thomas Pfeiffer <colomar at>:
> Maybe we can find someplace we can copy the weights from, these should not be
> left to guesswork. For example, I don't think Artist should be given such a
> low weight.

Tbh, I spied them from Picard. :)

2010/11/3 Lukas <1lukas1 at>:
> How can selection title and artist have many "best" matches? Exact track is
> made by an exact artist and has exact title (its not true for album, imho),
> thus giving many best matches doesn't comply with logic’s a bit, as it start
> to look more like results of eshop, when there are many good answers :)

Look on the screenshot with Not Doubt - Don't Speak. If we don't know
what album is It from, we get a lot of "best" matches, I agree that
this track was ripped from one of this albums, but how tagger must
know about It (and I'm pretty sure that user don't know It either)? :)

> As for color thing in my last email, I probably failed to express the idea.
> Colors can also be used on field, not row basis. I suspect that in majority
> of cases either only one filed will be wrong, so only that filed gets marked
> (less color noise on correct results). Either entire track has faulty tags,
> so entire row gets probably same color underline.

Less noise? I thing It will look like colorful parrot. Does It
interesting for a user to know how wrong separate field is? I think
the main reason why He/She started this search is to identify this
track - find If not exactly the same but at leas the most similar.

> And ratios thing, I thing more testing on much more track must be done. It
> result sets would average ~1-4 suggestions per track, ratios becomes almost
> irrelevant.

It would be great if It could work. The only thing that I could do to
reduce results count - increase minimal similarity level to threshold
more results. And what kind of testing do you mean? The only info you
have about track (in common) title, artist and duration, and you can
not completely trust to any of them (title and artist can be wrong,
and track can be shrank or It just some Live version, so even duration
can screw up). So in real I don't know how to make It better.

> p.s. there is no way to undo selected changes, since radio button cant be
> unchecked. Radio button on original track?..

This is not the real radio button, this is a check box which looks
like radio button, so It can be unchecked. :)


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