Fwd: Re: LikeBack in Amarok

Gary Steinert gary.steinert.ml at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 15 23:43:09 CET 2010

On Monday 15 Mar 2010 12:45:37 Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have already told my disapproval of this in IRC, and will not go
> further on that. Time will show I was right.
> On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 11:23, Téo Mrnjavac <teo.mrnjavac at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Almost every complaint about one feature or another was balanced by a
> >> compliment for that exact feature. :-)  I'll be happy to answer some
> >> of the questions which come through as I'm able.
> >
> > Cool, thanks Valorie.
> >
> > I recognize that there are potential drawbacks and risks, mainly with
> > fracturing the feedback gathering infrastructure that's already in
> > place, but I believe that LikeBack gathers
> > 1) a different kind of feedback than the existing channels,
> > potentially large quantities of brief context-sensitive one-off
> > comments that are not discussions, and should be considered as a
> > statistic rather than real bug reports;
> Well, AFAICS, the feedback is exactly the same as the one we already
> get in bug reports and on the forum and IRC, and, if I judge from the
> mail addresses, it's done by exactly the same people.
> > 2) feedback from a different kind of audience than the existing
> > channels, mainly those who are too unexperienced to do a proper
> > wishlist entry but still run git or beta builds.
> See above. If you expect feedback from a different audience, this
> would need to be in final releases, not in betas or git code, since
> the people who actually use the git version are experienced enough to
> give feedback through the existing channels. And sorry, I fail to see
> what is difficult in using a forum, I see feedback there from people
> with close to no experience at all.

I would like to introduce a real use-case here. I used to spend quite a lot of 
time on Amarok. Now, due to starting my own project, that time has been 
reduced to almost nil. I still run Amarok from git, updated every day or two.

The only form of feedback you get from me is reports of bugs that affect my 
listening experience directly, possibly along with the result of a few minutes 
spent trying to find the cause of the problem.

I have only just updated my checkout to include the LikeBack feature, so it 
remains to be seen whether I *will* use it or not, but I feel I am more likely 
to report bugs, and give more general feedback on new features (positive and 
negative) if I can do so without having to fire up my IRC client or work my way 
through the behemoth that is b.k.o.

I am all for this feature. And with (less intrusive) inclusion in the 
releases, I feel it will bring a wealth of feedback from the more general 
population of Amarok users.

Just my 2 pennarth.

Gary Steinert
gary.steinert at gmail.com
In India, "cold weather" is merely a conventional phrase and has come into
use through the necessity of having some way to distinguish between weather
which will melt a brass door-knob and weather which will only make it mushy.
		-- Mark Twain

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