standalone toolbar?

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Sat Mar 13 16:15:33 CET 2010

from the insider:
"Newly redesigned Toolbar. When this is detached, you'll have a very 
streamlined Amarok at your fingertips, in a sliver of screen space."

now that's not quite true, as at least the main toolbar has no minimum size.
so if you unlock the layout and detach the toolbar (to drag it around) it will 
shrink to the play button and volume dial.

if the above is a demanded feature for the 2.3, we'd have to
a) _backport_ a mini-fix (like "setMinimumWidth(512);")
b) think about a real solution for later on (personally i'd change the layout 
to a vertical order to gain more space for the labels and the slider on yet a 
more compact window - that's however topic for another flamewar ;-)

- Is this a demanded and supposed feature at all
- can/shall i backport (i suppose checking out the 2.3 tag, adding it there 
and committing is enough, the remote remains upstream-push?)


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