[GSoC update] Distributed Collections: Week 4 & 5

Varrun Ramani varrunr at gmail.com
Sat Jul 3 15:02:18 CEST 2010

This week I spend at trying to bring up the HTTP server, so that I could
test the XmlQueryReader through POST data. I added a few source


The classes compiled successfully. I did face a few problems while
instantiation though. The constructor of the HttpService class goes like

HttpService::HttpService(quint16 port, QCoreApplication *app)

I need to instantiate this in main.cpp , in order to start the server. I am
looking for a QCoreApplication object to pass to it. I tried passing app in
main.cpp (from App.h) to it,

HttpService *remoteHttpService;
remoteHttpService = new HttpService(quint16(8080), &app);

it gives me the error

main.cpp:242: undefined reference to `HttpService::HttpService(unsigned
short, QCoreApplication*)'

Can anyone help me resolve the issue??

I have hosted the files at
http://github.com/varrunr/RemoteCollections <http://github.com/varrunr>

Varrun Ramani
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