This week I spend at trying to bring up the HTTP server, so that I could test the XmlQueryReader through POST data. I added a few source files(locally).<br><br>src/services/RemoteCollection/HttpDaemon.h<br>src/services/RemoteCollection/HttpDaemon.cpp<br>
src/services/RemoteCollection/HttpService.h<br>src/services/RemoteCollection/HttpService.cpp<br><br>The classes compiled successfully. I did face a few problems while instantiation though. The constructor of the HttpService class goes like<br>
<br>HttpService::HttpService(quint16 port, QCoreApplication *app)<br><br>I need to instantiate this in main.cpp , in order to start the server. I am looking for a QCoreApplication object to pass to it. I tried passing app in main.cpp (from App.h) to it, <br>
<br>HttpService *remoteHttpService;<br>remoteHttpService = new HttpService(quint16(8080), &app);<br><br>it gives me the error <br><br>main.cpp:242: undefined reference to `HttpService::HttpService(unsigned short, QCoreApplication*)'<br>
<br>Can anyone help me resolve the issue??<br><br>I have hosted the files at <br><a href=""></a><br><br>--<br>Varrun Ramani<br>