Decision needed for "Move to Trash"

Casey Link unnamedrambler at
Wed Jan 20 21:53:57 CET 2010

>  It completely fails to address the (in my
> opinion) important point of "moving to trash" files from a media
> device or other non-local collections. What happens when you "move to
> trash" files from you ipod? We *will* get bug reports like "Amarok
> does not remove files from the ipod database". How do you make actions
> like that reversable? (which is the whole point of a trash bin after
> all)

My point exactly. Lukas said we should rely on the smarts of our
users. We all know that is a GUI Programming 101 mistake.

This problem just doesn't affect non-local stuff: Identical local
tracks (tag wise) but different file formats.


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