Toolbar Request/Idea

Casey Link unnamedrambler at
Wed Feb 17 00:30:03 CET 2010

Hey Thomas (and the rest of amarok-devel),

Some devs were discussing in IRC the ugly state of the current Status
Bar (particularly the Progress Bar).  We wanted to get your opinion
regarding an idea we had.

Note: Progress Bar in this email refers to the bar(s) at the _bottom_
of the window that show progress operations.

The proposed solution is to eventually axe the status bar, and move
its information elsewhere. We were brainstorming and decided a good
place for a _primary_ progress bar would be the toolbar. I hate to
bring this up now, because you're working so hard on making the
toolbar awesome, but can you envision a toolbar design that could
display this information?

Examples of operations that will be displayed:
* Copying/Syncing tracks to media Devices
* Full Collection Scans
* Service Operations (e.g., downloading the Jamendo database)

Only one operation would be displayed at a time, if there are multiple
concurrent operations something like "Multiple background tasks" with
a combined progress meter would be displayed.


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