New toolbar navigation

Jakob Kummerow jakob.kummerow at
Mon Feb 8 00:46:06 CET 2010

> The label text is the most urgent: change it to "%track %title -
> %artist".

If by that you mean that the label text should be static (i.e. no
fading between different information), you have my full agreement.
Just show the track's title (maybe including the artist, but IMO
that's not even _that_ important), nothing else. Year, album etc. are
shown in the CV, after all.

Fading labels may be a nice gimmick and look impressive at first
glance, but they don't enhance usability, IMHO.

> The next label should be prefixed with "Next Track: " and
> "Previous Track: ".

Nice idea! At least as long as we haven't agreed on a design and
position for prev/next buttons...

Maybe it's better to shorten the prefixes to "Next:" and "Previous:",
but that's a minor detail.

Another idea to make it even shorter would be to just append/prepend
Unicode characters such as ≫, » or > (resp. ≪, «, or <) to the label


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