Current crashes in Amarok

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Mon Aug 9 17:54:21 CEST 2010

Hi all,

I made a new saved search for the current crashes in Amarok you can
subscribe to. The direct link is:

You can add it to your searches list here:

The current track list is at 36, of which 15 still need to be
confirmed. All are reported either agains Amarok 2.3.1 or 2.3.1-git

There also currently are 13 crash reports waiting for a backtrace, and
29 crash reports waiting for more information (older version, waiting
to be confirmed as valid in 2.3.1 or later). You can find those in the
saved search called AllAmarokBugs.

Please all, check the crash list and mark the release blockers if
necessary or change the target. There are crashes in most components
of Amarok, so there certainly is meat for everybody to work on :) All
current crash reports have the element the crash lies in in the title,
marked with [@ ], unless the element is not clear, or the backtrace is
from another OS in a different format.

I also made new components for the Labels applet and the shortcuts,
the latter I still have to triage. Both are available in saved
searches, too.

The version numbers (beta1), 2.3.2  and 2.3.2-git have been
created on as well as a new milestone 2.3.3. Default
milestone is set to 2.3.1 for now.

Regards, Myriam.
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