Suggestion: UI keyword in subjects.

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Sat Aug 7 22:09:51 CEST 2010

On 08/07/2010 01:23 PM, Thomas Lübking wrote:
> b) Jeff requirements
> ----------
>> 1) Radially clicking to change the volume needs to go.
>> 2) Radially dragging to change the volume needs to go.
> For what reason?
> If the reason for 1) is to prevent accidentaly immense volume changes that is 
> to be addressed by preventing such :)

The reason for 1) is what you guessed. People have complained of
accidentally clicking when trying to click the middle mute button and
instead getting blasted.

#2 is because, well, tons of people have given feedback saying that they
hate the radial sliding.

> If you meant "exclusive radially..." cause it's too hard to use with some 
> input devices or for ppl. suffering from related disabilities, i (must, since 
> i don't know better) agree.

Some of the complaints have been from people with non-mouse input
devices, yes (like touchpads and trackballs).

>> 4) The volume percentage should always be displayed.
> I don't agree.
> a) It makes me snap the volume to 10*k or 2^k (yes, i'm sick =)
> b) The precision of some percent regarding loudness is pretty limited
> c) Do you really want to steer at the very important exact volume percent all 
> the time?
> -> My POV is that a "precise" percentage hint on hover/change (as it is, just 
> maybe not as tooltip) should be entirely (and imho actually more then) 
> sufficient. (Since a "rough" indication by the dial/slider position and icon 
> is persistent)

That sounds good. I agree.


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