Question regarding "Reload Lyrics" button

Valentin Rouet v.rouet at
Thu Sep 17 14:34:28 CEST 2009

I think it could be problematic for the user having newly fetched lyrics
saved automatically over the old ones, a user can easilyhit reload more or
less accidently and lose changes he may have made to the cached lyrics.
I think it would be better just to split the "edit/save" button in 2
different ones, which would enable one to overwrite cached lyrics with the
fetched ones without having to press "edit", and the former "save" part of
the edit button could be used to stop editing without saving changes (which
can't be done currently).


2009/9/16 Martin <darklight.xdarklight at>

> Hi,
> I've got a quick question regarding the "reload lyrics" button in the
> lyrics
> applet.
> One of my patches (which just got upstream) enables Amarok to use cached
> lyrics
> This brings one usability change: now when the user presses the "reload
> lyrics" button the lyrics are re-fetched (from the script) BUT they are not
> saved anymore (at least here.. but I'm too tired to investigate that right
> now
> - because if I see that correctly new lyrics SHOULD be saved (correct me
> when
> I'm wrong)).
> I've found the following comment in LyricsManager.cpp:
> >            //TODO: what is the sane thing to do if we get a valid lyrics
> result but there is cached lyrics set already?
> >            //this entire system needs to be thought through a little
> better
> I think -nhn
> that's exactly the question I'm asking myself...
> if you guys tell me what the desired behavior is I'll implement that :)
> Regards,
> Martin
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