Question regarding "Reload Lyrics" button

Martin darklight.xdarklight at
Wed Sep 16 22:57:27 CEST 2009


I've got a quick question regarding the "reload lyrics" button in the lyrics 
One of my patches (which just got upstream) enables Amarok to use cached 
This brings one usability change: now when the user presses the "reload 
lyrics" button the lyrics are re-fetched (from the script) BUT they are not 
saved anymore (at least here.. but I'm too tired to investigate that right now 
- because if I see that correctly new lyrics SHOULD be saved (correct me when 
I'm wrong)).

I've found the following comment in LyricsManager.cpp:

>            //TODO: what is the sane thing to do if we get a valid lyrics 	 
result but there is cached lyrics set already?
>            //this entire system needs to be thought through a little better 
I think -nhn

that's exactly the question I'm asking myself...
if you guys tell me what the desired behavior is I'll implement that :)


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