[patch] Add PlayPause() to DBus interface

Edward Hades edward.hades at gmail.com
Sat Sep 5 23:06:25 CEST 2009

Actually, now that I've given it some thought, I think the best
solution here would be for the IRKick to get some sort of a scripting
mechanism (might be as easy as variable get/set and arithmetic
operations to implement both playPause and relative seek).

Don't think that we are unresponsive to wish requests, I personally
have no objections for both the new methods (although other devs
might). It's just a matter of finding the solution that would benefit
everyone. Perhaps there are tons of users that want playPause,
relative seek or even
stopPlayingIfRatingIsLessThanThreeOtherwiseIncreaseVolume. I don't
think we can afford to implement _all_ of them in the near future.

Imagine also projects, that love their dbus calls as they are, and
unwilling to add anything new. And they are in fact right, because
dbus is primarily an interface for programmers, and IRKick is a tool
for users. So the former is expected to remain at a certain level of
atomicity, or if you will, primitiveness, while the latter is expected
to be at a certain level of flexibility.

Imagine also closed-sourced projects (*shudder*) which you can't even
patch for yourself!

So, while the specific question of playPause() and seek() functions in
Amarok remains open for discussion, I suggest you talk to IRKick devs
and ask what they think of my ideas.

By the way, one of the best remote control software I've used, had an
ugly but very-well featured scripting language, and even its own IDE.
I even managed to code a script, that allowed to dial a specific track
number on my remote control (just like the channel number on a TV,
only better). Can IRKick do that?

Andrew from the aforementioned bug could be interested in that too.

Edward "Hades" Toroshchin,
Aides on irc.freenode.org

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