I need *your* benchmarking help!

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at kde.org
Sun Oct 25 23:22:05 CET 2009

Alex Merry wrote:
> On Friday 23 October 2009 03:37:57 Jeff Mitchell wrote:
>> If you'd like to help out -- and please, do help out -- you'll need a a
>> large enough collection that a normal full scan takes a noticeable
>> amount of time, and you'll need to be running Amarok built from Git.
> Well, my results are that the part of the scan where the progress bar is 
> moving takes about the same amount of time (20s) for each version.
> However, in master there is an extra 20s wait where the progress bar appears 
> sitting at some value like 100% or 98% (or 14% in the case where I cancelled a 
> job at about that point immediately before the scan).  This wait does not 
> happen in your branch, but that might have something to do with the fact that 
> the local collection claims to have 0 tracks (both before and after scanning) 
> in that branch.

Ummm...it does? With current build?  What does your debug output say?


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