SqlCollectionLocation::startNextJob() not properly copying files patch

Casey Jones jonescaseyb at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 04:05:34 CEST 2009

On Friday 09 October 2009 1:38:49 am Maximilian Kossick wrote:
> The patch is wrong. If you look at
> OrganizeCollectionDialog::buildFormatString() you will see that
> organizing the collection *should* change the filename to some
> reasonable format as well (which it apparently does not).
> The patch simply takes the filename of the source, which might be totally
>  crap.
> I'd suggest putting some debug output into
> OrganizeCollectionDialog::getDestinations or ::buildDestination to
> figure out why the filename is missing from the destination. It looks
> as if it should be there.

I've found what's wrong, but I'm unsure of how to fix it.
Now that I've taken a closer look at OrganizeFilesDialog I've noticed that it 
expects the user to not just drag Album to the input box, it wants you to add 
a "/", and then something like "Title" + "." + "file type".

Once you know what it expects you to do it makes sense, but if you don't know 
what to do, or you mess up it can have some really bad results.  
OrganizeFilesDialog doesn't do a very good job explaining what it does.

Now I'm really confused about how to fix this.
The biggest problem is that the Organize Files dialog allows you to construct 
file names and not just folders, so it's really hard to tell if the user wants 
a directory or not if all they put is "album" into the input box.  If you put 
a / after Album, it does create a directory, but it won't copy anything into 
it because the user didn't specify a file name format.

I'm thinking that maybe the best thing for the user would be to seperate 
folder construction and filename construction.  Right now, there is really no 
way to preserve the current file names.

This will let the user specify the directory structure they want, and not have 
to worry about making a mistake and having Amarok assume the user wants to 
rename all of their files to root/AlbumName, and they won't have to change the 
file names even if they know how it works.

And the file name construction area would allow the user to rename their files 
to a specific format without touching their directory structure.

If needed, I could make a mockup of it, but I'm not the best UI designer in 
the world.

Hopefully that all made sense. ;-)


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