Amarok 2.2.1 tagging

Bart Cerneels bart.cerneels at
Fri Nov 6 11:58:16 CET 2009

On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 11:43, Jakob Kummerow
<jakob.kummerow at> wrote:
>> Well actually  "Save playlist to Playlist Files on Disk" always used
>> XSPF, if it didn't work anymore that was the regression. I however
>> doubt that it was broken since your changes to
>> PlaylistFileProvider::save( Meta::TrackList ) would not fix that.
> OK, so it's not a regression then. Since it didn't work before, I
> wasn't sure which features were supposed to work.
> If I remove my change to save( Meta::TrackList), saving no longer
> works for me, because the file doesn't have a proper extension then,
> and the type detection case switch defaults to Unknown and effectively
> cancels the saving operation.
>> Have you tested if changes to saved XSPF playlists (let's say adding a
>> track) are really written to disk? I think they are only cached ATM.
> No, I haven't tested that, and it's quite possible that such changes
> are not saved.
> But I don't think that's a bad thing, because it's what I would
> expect: Edit something, save it, edit it again --> either save it
> again or decide to discard the changes you made since saving. It's
> absolutely common for apps to behave that way.
> More concrete use case: Suppose you have a playlist consisting of your
> favourite Beatles songs, which you have currently loaded and playing.
> One of the tracks reminds you of another song by another band which
> you'd like to hear, so you add it to the end of Amarok's playlist. You
> wouldn't be too pleased if it got saved onto your Beatles playlist
> automatically. On the other hand, if it *was* your intention to extend
> the saved playlist, you could easily hit the save button again.
> Jakob

You are mistaken the main Amarok Playlist (we use capitals to
differentiate) and saved playlists, the ones on the left in
"Playlists" > "Saved Playlist". The only way to edit those is in the
browser directly. There is no connection between the 2, even after
doing a "Replace Playlist". This mistake is common, consider it your
initiation rite as an new contributor :)

It has to be direct apply, even for playlist-files, since all
playlists have to behave consistent. It is for SQL-playlists and I
wouldn't want it any other way.

Hope this clears things up.


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