New mockup from Nuno

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at
Wed Nov 4 16:16:04 CET 2009

First off:
- I do no way mind leaving glosses behind ;-P
- I assume this is rather about the look and less about the actual toolbar 
layout (can phonon meanwhile do analyzers?)

Few items I immediately spotted:
1) How would the play button look compared to the skip fwd button?

2) The concept is apparently a plane button layer (i.e. they're made out of 
the window "material", inlaid and ending on the same Z position, but this is 
broken by the large insets (the actual icon shape) which by (nearby) touching 
the border either entirely break the button into pieces (skips) or make it 
hard to believe it's clickable as the button core is already sunken (esp. 

3) (minor technical note) We'll have to provide independent svgs for 
normal/hover/sunken as zooming would certainly not work on this

ad 1)
We could drop skip buttons (and the stop button) ;-P

ad 2)
Imho the solution to this strongly depends on the toolbar layout.
- For a layout where the button size becomes a limitor (as the current Main 
Toolbar (buttons above slider)) i'd (once again) strongly suggest to drop the 
round outline and port Nunos concept directly onto the icon shape
- For any layout where the final icon size is less problematic (buttons next 
to the slider, text above the slider) the actual icon can be shrinked so the 
button aspect becomes more dominant.


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