Enrico Ros proposing a SoC project for improving the GUI

Leo Franchi lfranchi at kde.org
Wed Mar 18 10:24:16 CET 2009

On 18 Mar 2009, at 09:18, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen wrote:

>> Frankly, you might be underestimating Enrico's powers a bit :)
> Quite possible as I have no idea who he is. On the other hand, I
> generally judge people on what they actually do and not on what they
> might or could do.
>> I'm known for brutal, relentless, barbaric honesty, and I will call a
>> crappy coder exactly that, into his face. On the other hand, I will
>> also call a wizard a wizard, which is exactly what Enrico is. He and
>> Nuno Pinheiro could be a possible "dream team" for improving the GUI
>> looks.
> Sure, which would be really cool. But doing this as a GSoC project is
> super risky because it requires that Nuno is available during this
> time. Also, I simply don't think 3 months is anywhere near enough for
> this work. IF we want the new look done right, it also requires the
> participation of the entire team. It is _not_ something that should
> happen in isolation.

I think rather than just saying "with nuno he could be awesome" there  
needs to be actual communication between us / him and the artists /  
usability people. Markey is painting him as some sort of god (although  
i don't think he is approaching nuno status for him yet) , which is  
great, but on the other hand we have already been through one run of  
developer-driven design and I think making *sure* that we have talked  
with artists and developed a plan is essential.


>> Rejecting him would be utter madness. Was that brutal enough? :)
> 1. I never said anything about rejecting him.
> 2. There is currently no proposal to reject.
> - Nikolaj
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Leo Franchi				(650) 704 3680
Tufts University 2010

lfranchi at kde.org
leonardo.franchi at tufts.edu

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