Collectionscanner not scanning at all...

Kevin Funk krf at
Fri Mar 13 15:27:49 CET 2009

I also have problems running the collectionscanner recently. Now it refuses to 
start at all. If I click on "Rescan Collection" I get the attached debug 
I hope i am not missing something here.

Greets, Kevin

-------------- next part --------------
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::startFullScan()                                                                       
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::cleanTables()                                                                         
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::cleanTables() - Took 0.00028s                                                         
amarok: BEGIN: XmlParseJob::XmlParseJob(ScanManager*, SqlCollection*)                                                  
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressBarNG::setDescription(const QString&)                                                      
amarok: END__: void ProgressBarNG::setDescription(const QString&) - Took 5.7e-05s                                      
amarok: BEGIN: void CompoundProgressBar::addProgressBar(ProgressBarNG*, QObject*)                                      
amarok:        setting fixed height:  30  *  1  =  34                                                                  
amarok:        p before:  QPoint(2,-35)                                                                                
amarok:        p after:  QPoint(4,611)                                                                                 
amarok:        we now have  1  progress ops running                                                                    
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressBarNG::setDescription(const QString&)                                                      
amarok: END__: void ProgressBarNG::setDescription(const QString&) - Took 4.8e-05s                                      
amarok: END__: void CompoundProgressBar::addProgressBar(ProgressBarNG*, QObject*) - Took 0.00047s                      
amarok: BEGIN: ProgressBarNG* ProgressBarNG::setAbortSlot(QObject*, const char*)                                       
amarok:        Setting abort slot for  "Scanning music"                                                                
amarok:        connecting to  1deleteLater()                                                                           
amarok: END__: ProgressBarNG* ProgressBarNG::setAbortSlot(QObject*, const char*) - Took 0.00011s                       
amarok: END__: XmlParseJob::XmlParseJob(ScanManager*, SqlCollection*) - Took 0.0013s                                   
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void XmlParseJob::run()                                                                         
amarok: BEGIN: ScanResultProcessor::ScanResultProcessor(SqlCollection*)                                                
amarok: END__: ScanResultProcessor::ScanResultProcessor(SqlCollection*) - Took 4.9e-05s                                
amarok:    Checking for batch file in  "/home/krf/.kde/share/apps/amarok/amarokcollectionscanner_batchfullscan.xml"    
amarok:      GOING TO SCAN:                                                                                            
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList MountPointManager::collectionFolders()                                                      
amarok: END__: QStringList MountPointManager::collectionFolders() - Took 7.1e-05s                                      
amarok:           "/mnt/windows"
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList MountPointManager::collectionFolders()
amarok: END__: QStringList MountPointManager::collectionFolders() - Took 6.1e-05s
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::startFullScan() - Took 0.0063s
amarokcollectionscanner: Unknown option '--savelocation'.
amarokcollectionscanner: Use --help to get a list of available command line options.
amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::slotFinished()
amarok: END__: void ScanManager::slotFinished() - Took 0.00014s
amarok:    Success. Committing result to database.
amarok:    ERROR: Database temporary table setup did not complete.  This is probably a result of no directories being scanned.
amarok: BEGIN: virtual ScanResultProcessor::~ScanResultProcessor()
amarok: END__: virtual ScanResultProcessor::~ScanResultProcessor() - Took 4.8e-05s
amarok: END__: virtual void XmlParseJob::run() - Took 0.084s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual XmlParseJob::~XmlParseJob()
amarok: BEGIN: void CompoundProgressBar::childBarComplete(ProgressBarNG*)
amarok:      p before:  QPoint(2,-9)
amarok:      p after:  QPoint(4,637)
amarok: BEGIN: void ProgressBarNG::setDescription(const QString&)
amarok: END__: void ProgressBarNG::setDescription(const QString&) - Took 8.7e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: void StatusBar::hideProgress()
amarok: END__: void StatusBar::hideProgress() - Took 0.00024s
amarok: END__: void CompoundProgressBar::childBarComplete(ProgressBarNG*) - Took 0.00085s
amarok: END__: virtual XmlParseJob::~XmlParseJob() - Took 0.00094s
amarok: BEGIN: void MountPointManager::deviceRemoved(const QString&)
amarok: END__: void MountPointManager::deviceRemoved(const QString&) - Took 0.00045s

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