GSoC improvements

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Wed Mar 4 19:12:46 CET 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ian Monroe wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Jeff Mitchell <mitchell at> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Ian Monroe wrote:
>>> Basically here you're talking about using git-svn. Trying to share
>>> git-svn repos is such a hassle (impossible in my experience, unless
>>> you're OK with having a completely separate clone for each developer,
>>> essentially not using it as a DVCS), I really wouldn't wish that on
>>> our poor students.
>> Please read the rest of the email.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
> Heh ok, my comments stands though. Git-svn is fine for keep tracking
> of local changes, and what you've done with your repo is just used it
> as a way to publish your local changes (so no real advantage over just
> taring it up and uploading, outside of convenience). But trying to use
> it as a DVCS requires the backflips you described and I don't think
> its worth the possible trouble.

Well, whether or not it is backflips at all is entirely dependent on
what workflow we want to have the GSoC students using.

If we'd like to have their mentors review changes before them being
pushed up into main SVN (*where more eyeballs would look at them* :-P )
then it's not at all inconvenient.

Likewise, if we want to give students a way to work using Git (which
they may very well prefer, if they're used to a DVCS) then they can use
git-svn themselves and we can provide a server they can use just so they
have offsite backups of their changesets -- plus it makes it easy for a
mentor to check out their code if they have troubles.

Essentially, we need to figure out:

1) How do we want the students' code to be reviewed and committed to trunk?
2) What services do we want to provide to make their lives easier as
they start making (possibly major) changes to the A2 codebase?

Whether Git and git-svn help or hinder are entirely dependent both on
the answers to those questions and the students' and mentors' points of

These are very good questions to figure out, as the answers might be
relevant and useful to other SoC mentors.

- --Jeff
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