Amarok article on LWN -- help

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Sun Jun 21 15:40:27 CEST 2009

Hey guys,

Someone is in the process of writing an article on Amarok 2 for LWN.
One question they had was:

"I'd also be interested in your thoughts about whether the latest
version takes advantage of any KDE 4 capabilities to add features that
weren't available in versions for 3.x. Possibly someone has already
blogged about these topics?"

I could point him towards Solid, Plasma, and Phonon, but those are the
low-hanging fruit.  It would really help, since you all know what you've
blogged about over time, if you guys could send me links or information
that you think he should see -- not just KDE 4-based capabilities, but
also the major other capability upgrades that we've done, especially
along with information on the best way to test them out.

He's going to start writing Monday afternoon U.S. time with a deadline
by Tuesday afternoon, so sending me information to pass on ASAP would be


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