[GSoC status report] Week 7

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 08:24:46 CEST 2009

> The good news is that sorting works, adding tracks works, and deleting
> tracks *almost* works. The bad news is that consistency is now
> maintained internally by QSortFilterProxyModel stuff so part of my
> proxy has become a black box to me and I'll need to flood it with
> debug spam to find out what's wrong with track removal.

Honestly, I prefer to delegate as much work to Qt as possible, as that
is likely to be well tested and optimize, and, most importantly, it
gives us less code to maintain. So while this might make it a bit
harder to track down very subtle bugs, on the other hand, since it is
unlikely ( but not impossible ) that what you are seeing is a bug in
Qt itself, there is actually less code for you to look at when trying
to find the bug.

All in all, good work!

- Nikolaj

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