Configurable layout in Kopete
Seb Ruiz
ruiz at
Tue Feb 24 23:26:44 CET 2009
2009/2/25 Roman Jarosz <kedgedev at>:
> On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 23:06:01 +0100, Seb Ruiz <ruiz at> wrote:
>> 2009/2/25 Roman Jarosz <kedgedev at>:
>>> On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 09:50:19 +0100, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
>>> <nhnfreespirit at> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Roman,
>>>>> Good to know that you're using our code. I can't see any reason to not
>>>>> make the above changes where relevant and appropriate. However, if
>>>>> you're already working with it, then it would be best if you could
>>>>> simply send a patch which addresses these issues (as you've probably
>>>>> already made these changes locally).
>>>> I agree with Seb. All of your suggestions seem reasonable. Just send
>>>> us a patch, and if it does not break anything, I will commit it.
>>>> - Nikolaj
>>> Here's the patch, the only thing which has left, is to make
>>> "application/x-amarok-tag-token" runtime configurable
>>> (will make second patch later).
>> I don't think it is necessary to make this a runtime configure. Simply
>> move it into a #define or static QString.
> Well using #define or static QString would mean that I have to change code
> every time I sync it with Amarok and if in future we want to move it
> into kdelibs we IMHO can't use #define or static QString.
> Attached is fix for this.
> Do you agree with this change?
Yep, this looks like a very elegant solution to the problem. Go ahead
and commit.
Seb Ruiz
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