Tagging UI Issues

Ian Monroe ian.monroe at
Thu Feb 19 20:53:13 CET 2009

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Casey Link <unnamedrambler at> wrote:
>> Shouldn't we just implement 1.4-style labels and just push (and
>> possibily retrieve) the labels/tags from when that plugin is
>> enabled?
> Wouldn't this put code in a place it doesn't belong? The whole
> point of services is they are completely hot-pluggable.. can you edit
> that dialog from the service?

I didn't mean to endorse the 1.4-style UI. Just having local labels
and then exposing those labels to plugins so that could take
advantage of it.

(And there's basically no limit to what can be controlled by a plugin
anyways, so yes you could. Whether you want to is another matter)

>> The notion of being able to tag artists, albums and tracks all
>> seperately is going to be confusing to have a UI for. It makes a lot
>> of sense to have this feature, but I wish we could simplify somehow.
> Adding an CM action "Tag Artist" if it's an artist.. "Tag Album" if
> it's an album.. and so on..makes it very un-confusing. Hum, maybe some
> radiobuttons/a combobox in the edit details tag tab to toggle between
> tagging the three meta types?

Yes you're right, this would be far less confusing. Maybe context menu
is the only thing that makes sense right now.

Autolabelling your stuff from is an interesting idea as well,
though it would bring in crap like "seen in concert."


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