Working on two versions in parallel

Leo Franchi lfranchi at
Wed Dec 9 17:00:41 CET 2009

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 6:15 AM, Mark Kretschmann <kretschmann at>wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
> <nhnfreespirit at> wrote:
> >> One of our problems with 2.2.2 currently is that we're in string (and
> >> feature) freeze, so many patches, ideas, and Merge Requests are on
> >> hold. What if we created a 2.2.3 branch, and started to work on two
> >> versions in parallel, before 2.2.2 is actually tagged?
> >
> > I don't think this is a good idea for a couple of reasons.
> >
> > What would happen is the same that always happens when we have a
> > stable branch and a "fun" feature branch. We are all suckers for cool
> > new features, so the feature branch is what everyone will end up
> > running, meaning that there is less focus on fixing bugs in the stable
> > branch and less overall testing of it.
> Well, I see your point, and I agree that there is a risk of losing
> focus on what is important (getting the current release done).
> But let me give you a practical example:
> In the Collection settings, we have this button "Import Collection". I
> think we had discussed this before, and the problem with it is that
> it's a bit of a misnomer (doesn't import the collection, but rather
> the statistics). So I quickly wanted to add a tooltip for it, or
> rename the button. Not possible because of string freeze.
> Now, I have two options: 1) Put it on my already loooooong TODO list.
> 2) Put it in some feature branch that I often forget about.
> Having an official branch for 2.2.3 could solve these issues elegantly, I
> think.

Or you could have your own "string changes" branch that you push any string
change commits to, and then merge it in as soon as 2.2.3 opens up again. As
long as you tell people if you merge a request there so it's not merged
twice, that should be fine.


lfranchi at                       Tufts  University 2010
leonardo.franchi at         The KDE Project
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