Another idea for improving our Q&A

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Tue Dec 1 11:46:55 CET 2009


a while ago we had discussed some possible strategies for improving
our Q&A (catching regressions, mostly). Back then, I had proposed to
increase our release cycle to 8 weeks, and doing a beta release after
6 weeks.

Anyway, this proposal wasn't met with much enthusiasm, but now I think
I might have a better idea, causing less work, while still helping
with improving quality:

* Cycle stays at 6 weeks, just like planned.
* 2 weeks before tagging, we could send a mail to amarok at,
asking our users to test Git mainline for critical regressions.
* In order to make it easier for the users, we could roll a tarball,
upload it on our Kollide server, but without publishing it officially
on the KDE ftp server.
* Additionally, we could send a link in this mail, pointing to this
guide that Myriam wrote about installing Amarok locally in $HOME.

So basically my hope is that this could help us a bit, without
creating much extra workload. Rolling the tarball is easy with our
script, I could offer to do this, if we want to go this route.

Does this sound like a workable compromise? :)

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer
Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe - -

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