Tradebit music store in Amarok 2

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at
Thu Sep 18 15:08:16 CEST 2008

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen wrote:
> Yeah, I remember Ralf from last years FrosCon
> I think this could be quite cool, and the XML API should be fairly
> simple to do ( just use the mp3tunes or ampache one for reference for
> content and some simple REST over https ( Like Magnatune ) for
> purchasing ). The main question I have has to do with streaming stuff.
> All the other services we have allows you to stream full length
> content, will this be different? Will there even be something
> streamable for each track? If not, then we really have to expand the
> service interface to cover this situation, and Tradebit has to be
> aware that this will make them look limited compared to all the other
> services. I can understand if they are not willing to put everything
> online at the same quality that you purchase the music in, but even a
> low quality full stream of each track would be better than no streams.
> I think this could be really cool to have in Amarok 2 ( post 2.0.0,
> would be a killer thing to add as the main feature of say 2.1.0 ), but
> I think I also have to say that I will not be the one implementing it
> as this is a bit too direct competition with my employer.

I think it sounds fantastic.  Nikolaj, you've laid tons of groundwork
and lots to reference; someone else can do the implementation.  Keep
your job  :-)


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