enabling qtscript under windows

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Tue Sep 2 17:45:51 CEST 2008

Ian Monroe schrieb:
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Patrick Spendrin <ps_ml at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Hydrogen forced me to get the qtscript libraries to work on windows which
>> have previously not been working due to a linker error.
> Thanks for the work. Or maybe thank hydrogen for coercing you... :)
>> The problem is here that the linker command as given by cmake exceeded the
>> maximum amount of characters allowed on windows for command line arguments
>> (guess it is 32'768 ;-)).
>> There are two possible workarounds and I made a patch for each:
>> 1) cut down the length of each files path until the overall length is
>> smaller than 32'000 characters. (amarok-qtscript-cutdown-names.diff)
>> 2) split up the library into multiple libraries, of which only one is a
>> non-static one. (amarok-qtscript-helperLibs.diff)
>> Both solutions are quite hacky but there is no other way anymore except to
>> hack the compiler.
> I like solution 2 and I don't think its even that hacky. Giving each
> directory its own static library is actually a pretty standard thing
> to do, especially back in the automake days.
well, it is not really a one directory, one static library thing - but 
it is nearly like that.
I prefer #2 too.
> But in your patch you have some if( MINGW )'s. First off, IIRC MSVC
> was having the same problem. But also I don't see the point: I think
> it'd be fine if Linux also used static libraries. This would make the
> cmake cleaner.
as you wish ;-). I will rework the patch and check it in later today.
> Ian

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