New LibLastFM code

Max Howell max at
Thu Oct 30 13:14:10 CET 2008

Basically, this is because we throw an exception. And you don't catch  
it. And you don't catch it because you can't, because you compile with  
exceptions off. Which I am treating as something I have to work around.

In the newer builds on liblastfm I catch at a higher level and print a  
warning, so this shouldn't effect you.

Newer build going to Leo shortly.


> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 9:28 PM, Leo Franchi <lfranchi at> wrote:
>> hey guys,
>> as you probably noticed, i just committed the new service
>> using liblastfm.
>> as discussed with nightrose, this is *really* close to tagging beta3,
>> so i'm asking here for feedback. *please* *please* test this and
>> either reply with bugs, or open one on b.k.o and give me the bug
>> number! this should really make it's way in ASAP but if it's buggy we
>> don't want to release it (i can't get it to break here).
>> cheers,
>> leo
> Compilation went fine, all the features worked and stuff. I listened
> for maybe an hour and then I got the attached crash.
> The issue, I think, is that the station I was listening to became "out
> of tracks." This happens some times when you listen long enough that
> you exhaust all songs you can listen to on that particular station for
> some unknown time. Since the backtrace below indicates it died when
> parsing some XML, perhaps liblastfm is trying to fetchMoreTracks and
> it fails? Dunno, that's just me speculating. I attached Max to this
> message.
> Casey / Ramblurr
> Thread 1 (Thread 0xb3614900 (LWP 16722)):
> [KCrash Handler]
> #5  0xb7fb0410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
> #6  0xb75cb085 in raise () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
> #7  0xb75cca01 in abort () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
> #8  0xb77db480 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler () from
> /usr/lib/
> #9  0xb77d8d05 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
> #10 0xb77d8d42 in std::terminate () from /usr/lib/
> #11 0xb77d8e6a in __cxa_throw () from /usr/lib/
> #12 0xad9f51de in CoreDomElement (this=0xbfcd5e2c, x=@0xbfcd5d30) at
> /home/ramblurr/kde/src/extragear/multimedia/amarokgit/src/services/ 
> lastfm/lastfm/../lastfm/core/CoreDomElement.h:64
> #13 0xad9f4803 in CoreDomElement::operator[] (this=0xbfcd5e34,
> name=@0xbfcd5e30) at
> /home/ramblurr/kde/src/extragear/multimedia/amarokgit/src/services/ 
> lastfm/lastfm/core/CoreDomElement.cpp:38
> #14 0xada49740 in LastFm::Track::Private::requestResult
> (this=0x84e7ea0, reply=0x8d3b558) at
> /home/ramblurr/kde/src/extragear/multimedia/amarokgit/src/services/ 
> lastfm/meta/LastFmMeta_p.h:125
> #15 0xada44248 in LastFm::Track::Private::qt_metacall (this=0x84e7ea0,
> _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=0, _a=0xbfcd5f5c)
>    at /home/ramblurr/kde/build/extragear/multimedia/amarokgit/src/ 
> services/lastfm/LastFmMeta_p.moc:68
> #16 0xb7eb9a89 in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0x8d3b558,
> from_signal_index=4, to_signal_index=4, argv=0xbfcd5f5c) at
> kernel/qobject.cpp:3013
> #17 0xb7eb9f0b in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0x8d3b558,
> m=0xada250c0, local_signal_index=0, argv=0xbfcd5f5c) at
> kernel/qobject.cpp:3086
> #18 0xad9f2278 in WsReply::finished (this=0x8d3b558, _t1=0x8d3b558) at
> /home/ramblurr/kde/build/extragear/multimedia/amarokgit/src/services/ 
> lastfm/lastfm/moc_WsReply.cpp:80
> #19 0xada13a1e in WsReply::onFinished (this=0x8d3b558) at
> /home/ramblurr/kde/src/extragear/multimedia/amarokgit/src/services/ 
> lastfm/lastfm/ws/WsReply.cpp:140
> #20 0xad9f28bd in WsReply::qt_metacall (this=0x8d3b558,
> _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=1, _a=0xbfcd617c)
>    at /home/ramblurr/kde/build/extragear/multimedia/amarokgit/src/ 
> services/lastfm/lastfm/moc_WsReply.cpp:69

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