Amarok 2.0.0 feature freeze

Harald Sitter sitter.harald at
Sun Mar 2 21:13:10 CET 2008

It is time, the feature set for Amarok 2 needs to get frozen.

Please ensure _all_ features that should be in 2.0.0, are listed at
[1]. Also try to keep the status up-to-date and write as detailed as
necessary what exactly a certain feature is made up of (e.g. what
dynamic playlists should be able to do). The more details are listed,
the easier it is to track showstoppers.

As described in [1], alpha1 will be released as soon as all 'high'
prioritized features reached status 'alpha'. After that _no_ new
features are going to enter trunk. This, much more professional,
release scheduling is necessary because 2.0.0 is the first public
release to address _a lot_ bigger market than before, screwing up in
this release could (and probably will) be fatal to the image of

Please also keep in mind that 2.0.0 is only the start of a probably
fairly long Amarok 2 series, so don't overdo the feature listing,
mostly it's probably better to have a basic functionality for 2.0.0
and reach out for greater impress later on.

Feature freeze will start on Tuesday 2008-04-01 0:0 UTC - try to get
restructuring done until then, so 100 % focus can go on finishing


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