
Daniel Winter dw at danielwinter.de
Thu Jul 3 19:42:01 CEST 2008

SVN commit 827731 by danielw:

back to hackish way of finding out which backend is used.  Soprano::PluginManger somehow loads the JVM into Amarok, we do not want that

CCMAIL: amarok-devel at kde.org

 M  +9 -2      NepomukCollection.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/collection/nepomukcollection/NepomukCollection.cpp #827730:827731
@@ -56,9 +56,16 @@
         // (if sesame2 is used or not, it makes no sense to use it with redland
         // doesn't work and is terrible slow, slows down amarok start when 
         // songs in playlist)
+        // FIXME; Find a better wy to do this
+        QTime t;
+        t.start();
+        Nepomuk::Resource::Resource( "file://home/" ).exists();
+        int elapsed = t.elapsed();
+        debug() << "Nepomuk Resource.exists() took " << elapsed <<  " ms" << endl;
         Collection* collection;
-        if (  Soprano::PluginManager::instance()->discoverBackendByName("sesame2") != 0 )
+        if ( elapsed < 50 )
             collection = new NepomukCollection( model, true );
             debug() << "fast  enough full nepomuk collection enabled" << endl;

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