artwork meeting notes, log and another proposal by pinheiro

Lydia Pintscher lydia.pintscher at
Mon Jan 28 22:11:55 CET 2008

Heya Rokers :)

I put up the notes and log for the meeting at

And another thing that came up later in #oxygen:

[21:02] <pinheiro> Nightrose: the other idea i had was to draw
plasmoids on top of the normal window without the bg
[21:02] <pinheiro> that way the integration could be much much better
[21:03] <pinheiro> possible? Nightrose
[21:03] <Nightrose> pinheiro: hmm yea I understood - but if I got that
right the others had objections there because of the portability to
mac and windows
[21:03] <pinheiro> nooo not that
[21:03] <Nightrose> ah ok
[21:04] <pinheiro> insted of you guys shipping a bg for the plasmoids
you render them on top of a normal window
[21:04] <pinheiro> like painting on top of a window
[21:05] <Nightrose> ah i see
[21:05] <pinheiro> if done right we could do amazing stuff
[21:05] <Nightrose> hmm yea probably
[21:05] <pinheiro> couse people would not tell the difference and it
would look like normal widgets



Lydia Pintscher
Amarok team        community manager

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