Default music dir and refactoring of collection config

Maximilian Kossick maximilian.kossick at
Tue Feb 26 14:21:52 CET 2008

a TT labs blog posting [1] describes how one can access specific
locations in a cross-platform way using Qt. I know that Harald wanted
us to adopt the freedesktop spec mentioned there a few months ago, but
nothing happened. Instead of having to configure the collection
directory on first startup, i want Amarok to default to the user's
music directory. The reason I'm sending this mail (I think all of us
would agree that that change makes sense) is that I want to refactor
the collection config to use KCMs and the plugin selector widget, like
it is done for the services. This would make it possible to add config
dialogs for other collections, or even disable collections (Nikolaj
mentioned that he wanted to disable the DAAP collection a while ago)
Unfortunately it would be harder to change the collection directories
using this new aproach (open Amarok's config dialog->collection
config->open config dialog for "Local collection", or whatever it ends
up being called). Do you think it is still necessary to have the
collection directory config in such a prominent place when Amarok i
able to use a sensible default on all systems? (this raises the
question if all linux distros support the freedesktop spec by the time
amarok 2 is released?)


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