Urls in tables

Seb Ruiz ruiz at kde.org
Thu Aug 21 18:00:54 CEST 2008

2008/8/21 Jeff Mitchell <kde-dev at emailgoeshere.com>:
> Max, Mark, Leo, Seb, etc...
> Please take a look at this thread and give your thoughts.  I'd like to
> get this resolved soon, as the sooner database changes can be made, the
> better.

My personal opinion is that we should only be storing
statistics/lyrics etc for tracks which are in the collection. I know
that going through Amarok 1.4 database entries there are significant
numbers of non-existant/long gone tracks which have rows kept.

Furthermore, keeping information on tracks outside of a collection
encourages misuse of Amarok by not enforcing the use of a collection.

The only real advantage I see for handling out of collection
statistics for when a track is moved into a collection, we can monitor
changes with AFT. Regardless, I think this is a corner case where
statistics gathered would be negligible and could be discarded.

Seb Ruiz


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