Accessing uids

Ian Monroe ian at
Tue Aug 12 20:13:08 CEST 2008

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Maximilian Kossick
<maximilian.kossick at> wrote:
> Right. Note to myself: if you are answering another gmail user's mail
> directly to you, make sure to hit "Reply all"
> Anyway, if we can install Amarok + kde + deps on a mobile device, we
> really should not be concerned about a couple of kilobytes for storing
> the complete uidUrl in the database. The flexibility of doing that
> outweighs the pretty far fetched case of a mobile device which has
> just enough space for amarok and its dependencies, but no more space
> for any user data in my opinion.
> Max

String operations aren't cheap no matter what the computer. The UIDs
can be stored as integers.


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