make Amarok XDG user dir spec compatible

Maximilian Kossick mkossick at
Wed Oct 31 21:08:08 CET 2007

On Wednesday 31 October 2007, Harald Sitter wrote:
> "Alter applications to use the relevent directory by default. Amarok to use
> Music, Kaffeine to use Video, Digikam to use Photos, KOffice to use
> Documents, Konqueror to Downloads."
> There is a thing called xdg user dir spec which declairs certain paths,
> where certain media types are stored. Most important for Amarok:
> $HOME/Music
> Kubuntu wants to make use of this spec, i.e. make Amarok search $HOME/Music
> by default. Now we should probably get this into 2.0 and 1.4.8 (to prevent
> them
> >from patching around :P).
> So, how much work would it be to make Amarok search this path (in case it
> is there at all) and make that path not recognized as a "usual path"
> (meaning Amarok uses that path, but still asks the user to set a collection
> path).
> I probably sound confusing. So here goes a show case:
> Michael stores some music in /home/m/Music but also on his Windows
> partition under /media/sdb1.
> He starts Amarok the first time and gets asked to select a collection
> search path, he selects /media/sdb1 and deselects /home/m/Music because he
> thinks the music there is crap anyway.
> After some time Michael clears his home Music directory and stores good
> Jamendo music there, so he goes to the Amarok collection configuration and
> reselects /home/m/Music.
> Melissa stores all her music on her external mass storage under
> /media/disk1. She starts Amarok the first time and selects this path as
> collection path. Then she downloads some music using Banshee, which stores
> it in /home/m/Music, Amarok, of course, isn't stupid and searches that path
> automagically.
> Here's what Amarok needs to do:
> Search $HOME/Music as long as it exists and the user didn't tell Amarok not
> to do so. The user should _never_ have to select $HOME/Music unless he
> deactivated it some time before.
> I suggest to make the path static searched and create a config option
>     UseXdgUserDir=boolean
> depending on whether the User manually (de)selected it as search path.
> Thoughts? Volunteers?

Um, i'm pretty sure that this is already possible by simply adding $HOME/Music 
to the system-wide amarokrc. I think Amarok will even convert it to the 
Dynamic Collection collection folder format automatically. iirc, kubuntu 
already does this.
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