make Amarok XDG user dir spec compatible

Harald Sitter harald at
Wed Oct 31 18:46:37 CET 2007

"Alter applications to use the relevent directory by default. Amarok to use 
Music, Kaffeine to use Video, Digikam to use Photos, KOffice to use 
Documents, Konqueror to Downloads."

There is a thing called xdg user dir spec which declairs certain paths, where 
certain media types are stored. Most important for Amarok: $HOME/Music

Kubuntu wants to make use of this spec, i.e. make Amarok search $HOME/Music by 
default. Now we should probably get this into 2.0 and 1.4.8 (to prevent them 
from patching around :P). 

So, how much work would it be to make Amarok search this path (in case it is 
there at all) and make that path not recognized as a "usual path" (meaning 
Amarok uses that path, but still asks the user to set a collection path).

I probably sound confusing. So here goes a show case:

Michael stores some music in /home/m/Music but also on his Windows partition 
under /media/sdb1.
He starts Amarok the first time and gets asked to select a collection search 
path, he selects /media/sdb1 and deselects /home/m/Music because he thinks 
the music there is crap anyway.
After some time Michael clears his home Music directory and stores good 
Jamendo music there, so he goes to the Amarok collection configuration and 
reselects /home/m/Music.

Melissa stores all her music on her external mass storage under /media/disk1.
She starts Amarok the first time and selects this path as collection path.
Then she downloads some music using Banshee, which stores it in /home/m/Music, 
Amarok, of course, isn't stupid and searches that path automagically.

Here's what Amarok needs to do:
Search $HOME/Music as long as it exists and the user didn't tell Amarok not to 
do so. The user should _never_ have to select $HOME/Music unless he 
deactivated it some time before.

I suggest to make the path static searched and create a config option
depending on whether the User manually (de)selected it as search path.

Thoughts? Volunteers?

Harald Sitter
Amarok team        Rokymotion division     Mail: harald at     Good news everyone!     Jabber: apachelogger at
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