Why do we use WMA instead of ASF?

Harald Sitter harald at getamarok.com
Mon Nov 19 21:39:57 CET 2007

Am Montag 19 November 2007 21:10:21 schrieb Ian Monroe:
> I just find them calling it "ASF" puzzling though. :)

Well, ASF is a container nowadays, so it makes sense to call the extension ASF 
and not WMA since it's probably able to read ASF, WMA and WMV tags. After 
all, the ogg-vorbis extension is OGG and not Vorbis.

Harald Sitter
Amarok team        Project Manager         Mail: harald at getamarok.com
amarok.kde.org     Good news everyone!     Jabber: apachelogger at kdetalk.net
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