API review

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Mon Mar 5 23:00:27 CET 2007

Could you explain the difference between Meta::Track and SqlTrack?
Meta::Track is completely abstract, I don't quite get its point.
Unless you plan on having different implementations of the same API?

Ian Monroe

On 3/5/07, Maximilian Kossick <mkossick at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi
> I committed the first code for the MetaBundle replacement classes to
> src/meta and src/collection. src/meta contains the generic header file,
> src/collection contains the beginning of an implementation for our current
> SQL collection backend.
> Because replacing MetaBundle is going to be a major task and will touch
> basically all parts of Amarok, please review the API and improve/extend it
> (it doesn't have all the features of MetaBundle yet)
> Cheers, Max
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