SQL backend consolidation

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Tue Aug 21 02:53:57 CEST 2007

On 8/20/07, Jeff Mitchell <kde-dev at emailgoeshere.com> wrote:
> I'm all for Postgres, as much as it may anger users up front.  There is
> this:
> http://postgresql.mirrors-r-us.net/docs/current/static/ecpg-concept.html
> Where you embed SQL statements in C or C++ code, which gets you syntax
> checking and the like at build time.  Doesn't seem to be
> in-process...but...Postgres *does* run natively on Windows now, no
> Cygwin dependencies...  :-)
> --Jeff

Well, not being in-process means it requires runtime configuration,
which makes it irrelevant for us.


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