SQL backend consolidation

Seb Ruiz ruiz at kde.org
Sat Aug 18 01:19:58 CEST 2007

On 16/08/07, Ian Monroe <ian at monroe.nu> wrote:
> Markey and I were talking about how we should perhaps drop Postgresql
> and Sqlite, and just use MySQL embedded (in-process mysql support) and
> perhaps support external MySQL as well.
> The primary advantage would be we'd have less to support. Just MySQL.
> Supporting sqlite, mysql and postgresql has been a real burden. The
> secondary advantage is the MySQL 5 is almost a real database and it
> has a lot of features we could take advantage of. Views, probably more
> consistency checking. Currently we are held back by the limited subset
> of SQL that sqlite supports. Also recent versions of sqlite have been
> having corruption fixes.
> What do folks think?

Another thing that just came to mind - there are users who use a
single database on a server which is connected to from many
workstations. Only using sqlite/embedded-whatever causes these users
to lose out as well...



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