Fwd: Amarok application for Conservancy

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at kde.org
Sun Aug 19 19:28:43 CEST 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Sandler <conservancy at softwarefreedom.org>
Date: Jun 14, 2007 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: Amarok application for Conservancy
To: Ian Monroe <ian at monroe.nu>
Cc: Greg Meyer <greg at gkmweb.com>, Mark Kretschmann <markey at web.de>,
Seb Ruiz <me at sebruiz.net>

Ian Monroe wrote:
> On 6/11/07, Bradley M. Kuhn <bkuhn at softwarefreedom.org> wrote:
>> "Ian Monroe" <ian at monroe.nu> writes:
>> > The current consensus is to just incorporate in New York.
>> Ian,
>> I wanted to write back and renew Conservancy's offer for Amarok to
>> become
>> a member.  I know you'd said that you were looking at incorporating
>> yourselves, but I noticed you haven't made an announcement about it, and
>> of course we are here to assist if you decide to go this route.
>> Also, some of my colleagues might be available to help with the
>> incorporation if that's the route you want to go that way instead.
> Well I'm open to any solution that keeps someone close to the project
> like Greg with the checkbook.
> So if you could provide assistance writing the bylaws and
> incorporating, that would be great.
Hi Ian and Greg,

To chime in here, the advantage to joining the Conservancy is that you
don't have to invest the time and money to incorporate as a separate
non-profit - no incorporation papers and fees, no bylaws, minutes, tax
exemption application and fees, and a smaller investment in keeping
corporate records in general. We've set the Conservancy up so that
projects continue to manage themselves while taking advantage of an
already existing corporate structure - it avoids a lot of administrative
work. Furthermore, Amarok can leave the Conservancy at any time (though
its assets must only go to another tax exempt non-profit, which could be
an independent new organization). It's of course entirely up to Amarok
as to whether you choose to join the Conservancy or not but there are
significant advantages to joining that I wanted to point out. I'm
available generally to discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages
of joining, if you'd like.

If you are set on independent incorporation, SFLC might be able to help
you with incorporation and we can talk about whether you'd like to
request legal services as a client (I'm also a lawyer with SFLC, though
the Conservancy and SFLC are separate organizations).



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