Partners in bodega

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Nov 18 12:05:54 UTC 2013

On Sunday, November 17, 2013 20:54:31 Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> I logged   in with the account wolfgang.romey at, which is partner to
> hier at, wolfgang.romey at and m-p-l at
> I wonder, why i there is no hint that wolfgang.romey at is a partner of
> these three accounts. Should there not be a list of the persons, which have
> wolfgang.romey at as partner, so that he can see, add or delete persons?

This is managed in the Partners tab. To manage people the account must have 
the Partner Manager role.

The point of Partners is not to provide a social network for people. It is a 
way for the warehouse and publishers/distributors to recognize each other.

> This list appears on the accounts, which wolfgang.romey at as  a
> partner.
> I too wonder, why i cannot see the store, which wolfgang.romey at owns.

Either because:

* the account does not have the Store Manager role
* or the store is owned by a different Partner

Aaron J. Seigo

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