Lockscreen and gesture PIN entry

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Tue Jun 11 18:34:14 UTC 2013

On Tuesday 11 June 2013 11:24:48 David Lanzendörfer wrote:
> Hi Folks
> I was wondering if someone is already working on a finger friendly
> gesture based PIN-lock mechanism like Android's.
> Would be neat to have a free implementation, e.g. even as a replacement
> for pinentry-qt4 (maybe pinentry-gesture?)
> Then we could actually reuse it everywhere.
> Shouldn't be that hard from far away, with all the Qt-Graphics
> and QGesture stuff flying around.
> But well... I'm asking for _your_ opinion on this ;-)
> cheers David

Yes, we absolutely want and need a good authentication system! If we had 
unlimited development resources, we'd already have it for a long time ;)

So if you'd like to work on this, you can be the the person who created 
the first thing people see when they wake their device up from suspend :)

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